How to Remove or Fix a Computer Virus? That you are busily verifying the mail, working on a research document or trying to play an activity (and also succeeding) while the idea traffic. Something creepy happens on your hard drive. You find a pop-up communication telling you that the computer is usually corrupted, as well as 157 fresh web browser house windows amenable. Your laptop includes a pathogen. When you surely should never worry, it is good to be aware of the way to fix worms. Tips below intended for malware maintenance enhances your odds of eliminating the item straight away.
This is the step by step procedure:
Step 1:
Open Internet Explorer. Click \"Tools\" on the toolbar, and then click on \"Internet Options.\" Make sure you are on the \"General\" tab and click the \"Delete\" button in the \"Browsing\" section. Click on \"Delete Files,\" \"Delete Cookies,\" \"Delete History,\" and \"Delete Forms.\" This will remove all of the temporary Internet files that can contain viruses.
Step 2:
Right click \"My Computer\" and click on \"Properties.\" Click the \"System Restore\" tab and select the \"Turn off System Restore\" checkbox. Click \"Apply\" and then \"OK.\" Many viruses copy files to your System Restore folder. Turning off System Restore will stop the virus from reinstalling when you restart your computer.
Step 3:
Click the \"Start\" button and then click \"Run.\" Type \"winmsd\" (without the quotes) into the \"Open\" box and click \"OK.\" Expand \"Software Environment\" by clicking the plus sign beside it. Click on \"Startup Programs.\"
Step 4:
Check the programs in your \"Startup Programs\" against a list of reputable software and malware or viruses, which you can find online (see Resources). If you find any viruses in your \"Startup Programs,\" run an online virus scanner such as Trend Micro HouseCall or Panda ActiveScan (see Resources).
Step 5:
Remove the virus manually if the virus scan does not work and the virus begins with \"HKLM\\\" in your \"Startup Programs.\" To do this, click \"Start,\" then \"Run,\" and type in \"regedit\" (without quotes). Find the virus in the Windows Registry, select it and delete it.
1 comment
The research you've done to get rid of the common malware / adware problems are very well written out for the common man / guy who doesn't know much about Fix Computer Virus!
November 16, 2011 at 9:03 PMPost a Comment